A downloadable game


What is this?

A proof of concept for a programmable RTS. While the setting is still to be decided the general pace and direction of the game has been an idea of mine for 6-7 years at this point. I'll write a devlog about it sometime soon expanding on what vision I have for the game but meanwhile as a tl;dr:

This is a game inspired by Zachtronics games, a game that gives the user control to shape how the play the game. Both basic elements of RTS games, buildings and units are fully programmable and are able to talk between themselves. However while the objective is to give full control to the user my philosophy is to make that opt-in and incremental. As you open the game you can already play the campaign and against other people without having to write a single line of code. You are given a basic army, already preprogrammed and ready to be inspected, understood and disassembled piece by piece in the in-game sandbox. Then you can start adding piece by piece (or all at once if that's what you fancy) improvements that make your life easier during the game, or that implements a new and revolutionary strategy.

I want to create a nice linear slow-paced onboarding for those that are not comfortable thinking and writing whole systems from scratch. I want the game to be highly interactive and introspect-able.

As for the game setting, the two main ideas I currently have are:

  • Starcraft-like RTS but with fully customizable army using Uxn to program the units.
  • A Space exploration and colonization game. Each spaceship would be programed with Uxn as well, and you would be exploring a vast generated cosmos.

What is the status?

The game is in the early stages, I have units that can run code and a way for them to interact with the world. You can see a very broken sample of code for a unit here.

I have and in-game debugger for the units

In-Game Code Editor

And some basic rendering setup. The next steps for the project are:

  • Build the basic sandbox that includes
    • Editing unit code from in-game [DONE}
    • Be able to expose a crude user interface from the units
    • Be able to create different types of units and spawn them either as enemies or allies [WIP]
    • Be able to create buildings
    • Create basic unit code
  • Implement Radio device
  • Implement Movement device
  • Implement Sensor device
  • Release initial demo

What can you do

Feel free to open a topic in the community to present other ideas or discuss any of these two.

Check the first devlog to understand  a bit better on what I mean by programmable RTS and why I chose Uxn as a programming language for it.

I'm developing this game in the open and I'll be sharing builds here and there as well as constant updates. Check out the devlog below!

Feel free to start a topic in the community below or shoot me an email at marce [at] dziban [dot] net.

The very scrappy code for this game can be found at: https://github.com/MarceColl/kikai-rs

Feel free to try it, build it and improve it!

Updated 5 days ago
Published 9 days ago
TagsNo AI, Real time strategy, Retro, Space

Development log